The “Roundtables” project brings together the three public policy actors (policymakers, scientists, stakeholders from civil society) to develop collaborative work on concrete public policy issues that require multidimensional and mainstreaming approaches across governmental areas. ”Soil and Water 2030” is the first roundtable and is being developed in partnership with the Associated Laboratory CHANGE. Its goals are two-fold: to establish a participatory approach that explores and discusses ideas to enhance water management governance; and to establish a participatory approach that identifies climate change mitigation and adaptation goals and strategies for the soil in mainland Portugal. This roundtable will conclude in September 2024 with the production and presentation of two policy briefs co-created by the relevant actors for each resource (water and soil).
- Develop a work methodology for the selection of stakeholders and co-creation of policy briefs for both resources (water and soil);
- Strengthen skills in co-participatory work and promote a culture of evidence-informed public policies, through collaborative work.
The project will last until March 2025.