This portfolio aims to promote evidence-informed policy bringing together the national scientific and public policymaking communities. Projects within this portfolio aim to contribute to the institutionalization of relationships between researchers and policymakers (including decision-makers and other professionals supporting decision-making by the government and Public Administration), through initiatives that bring these two communities closer together.
Science for Policy Projects, include:
- Workshops “Science and Public Policy: How to Build Bridges?”
- Science4Policy Calls (S4P): annual science for policy project calls.
- Contribute to bringing Science and Public Policy closer together, essential for evidence-based policy making.
- Raise awareness and empower the scientific community on the importance of providing evidence to policy makers.
Workshops “Science and Public Policy: How to build bridges?”
The “Science and Public Policy: how to build bridges?” workshops aim to leverage the dialogue between science and public policies, supporting the awareness and training of the scientific community for the importance of evidence-informed policies.
These workshops are offered by PLANAPP and take place at academic and scientific institutes and centres. The workshops are facilitated by a pair of PLANAPP facilitators, that participated in the Training-of-Trainers on Evidence for Policy program developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC). A community of practice on evidence-informed policymaking will be established with workshop participants.
- To foster a closer relationship between Science and Public Policy, which is essential for the development of evidence-informed policies.
- To raise awareness in the scientific community for the importance of providing evidence to policymakers and practice competences to this goal.
The project has a duration of two years, starting in 2023 and ending in 2025.
For additional information please contact: cienciaparapoliticaspublicas@planapp.gov.pt
Science4Policy (S4P): annual science for policy project calls
Science4Policy project calls are carried out under a protocol between PLANAPP and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), to finance studies that produce scientific outputs required to respond to previously identified policy-making needs. Two calls have been opened already: S4P-23 on September 28, 2023; and S4P-24 on February 14, 2024. The list of issues (“thematic lines”) addressed in each call are defined in collaboration with REPLAN – Network of Planning and Foresight Services of Public Administration (an interministerial network coordinated by PLANAPP), to address current national challenges, and they are aligned with the Thematic Agendas of the Portugal 2030 Strategy. A project proposal with a maximum duration of 12 months is selected under each thematic line, and financed with up to 50 thousand euros. The call is open to entities from the National Science and Technology System.
- Produce scientific knowledge that responds to specific needs identified in areas of public policy;
- Provide evidence to support decision-making and the definition and implementation of public policies involving different governmental areas.
The project has a duration of two years, starting in 2023 and ending in 2025.
- Executive summary of the 2023 progress report
- Presentation of the projects selects in the S4P-23 edition
- Presentation of the projects selected in the S4P-24 edition
For additional information please contact: science4policy@planapp.gov.pt